Space between / font size of main nav

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I'm working on a site with quite a few pages - To avoid the nav to split into two rows, I'd like to be able to reduce the spacing of the main nav.

Could you please point me in the right direction here?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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srjahir32 replied on at Permalink Reply
find iGotstyle.css file, (packages/themes/fruitfull/css/)
there will be CSS

header#siteHeader nav ul li {
margin: 23px 15px 0;

you can make it 5px from 10px to accommodate 1 or 2 more menu.
Generally it will reduce the space between 2 menu items.
Can I have you website link please ?
srjahir32 replied on at Permalink Reply
find iGotstyle.css file, (packages/themes/fruitfull/css/)
there will be CSS

header#siteHeader nav ul li {
margin: 23px 15px 0;

you can make it 5px from 10px to accommodate 1 or 2 more menu.
Generally it will reduce the space between 2 menu items.
Can I have you website link please ?
srjahir32 replied on at Permalink Reply
find iGotstyle.css file, (packages/themes/fruitfull/css/)
there will be CSS

header#siteHeader nav ul li {
margin: 23px 15px 0;

you can make it 5px from 10px to accommodate 1 or 2 more menu.
Generally it will reduce the space between 2 menu items.
Can I have you website link please ?
srjahir32 replied on at Permalink Reply
find iGotstyle.css file, (packages/themes/fruitfull/css/)
there will be CSS

header#siteHeader nav ul li {
margin: 23px 15px 0;

you can make it 5px from 10px to accommodate 1 or 2 more menu.
Generally it will reduce the space between 2 menu items.
Can I have you website link please ?
einardo1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure it did all that much, I tried that already actually.
It's now changed to 5 px.

If nothing else, I need to expand the container size to acommodate these items.
Or change font size in addition to reducing the margins.
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
Personally, I think you're getting too cramped. And increasing the width of the container only helps on larger screens.

You need to start introducing hierarchy and creating subpages. I see you already have some, but I'd break it down further. Personally, I would structure your page like this:

Omm Os
-- Bedriftsavtale
-- Priser
-- Svangerskap
-- Kvinnehelse
einardo1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hehe, like your norwegian there.
But yeah, that's something I've considered.
Thanks for feedback
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
google translate for the win!

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