ALT Tags in gallery

Permalink Browser Info Environment
I am looking to add ALT Tags to all my images across the site. In the standard image block I am able to do this manually but I don't seem to have the option within the lightbox gallery, any tips?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
pyrodigital replied on at Permalink Reply
I've also tried to update the theme today and for some reason when I click the download and install button it doesnt do anything except change the URL to have /prepare_remote_upgrade/1855
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The upgrade error is concrete5 specific and does not relate to the them, please check the general forums for this.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Currently this block does not take alt tags. However, we will look to add some functionality to allow this in the next release.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150504000000

# concrete5 Packages
Fundamental (2.0.3), Honest Websites Back To Top (0.9.4), Responsive Embed (1.0.0), Simple Slider (1.0), Thumb Gallery (1.0.3), Vedana Theme (1.0), Zoomer (1.0.1).

# concrete5 Overrides
blocks/hello_world/add.php, blocks/hello_world/controller.php, blocks/hello_world/db.xml, blocks/hello_world/edit.php, blocks/hello_world/form.php, blocks/hello_world/icon.png, blocks/hello_world/view.php, blocks/hello_world, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES, languages/da_DK, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/de_DE, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/el_GR, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fi_FI, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fr_FR, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES, languages/it_IT, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ja_JP, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/nl_NL, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pl_PL, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pt_BR, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ru_RU, languages/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sl_SI, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/tr_TR, blocks/hello_world/add.php, blocks/hello_world/controller.php, blocks/hello_world/db.xml, blocks/hello_world/edit.php, blocks/hello_world/form.php, blocks/hello_world/icon.png, blocks/hello_world/view.php, blocks/hello_world, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES, languages/da_DK, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/de_DE, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/el_GR, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fi_FI, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fr_FR, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES, languages/it_IT, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ja_JP, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/nl_NL, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pl_PL, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pt_BR, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ru_RU, languages/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sl_SI, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/tr_TR

# concrete5 Cache Settings
Block Cache - On
Overrides Cache - On
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

# PHP Extensions
bcmath, calendar, cgi-fcgi, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, ereg, exif, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, pdo_sqlsrv, Phar, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, soap, SPL, sqlsrv, standard, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, zip, zlib.

# PHP Settings
max_execution_time - 300
log_errors_max_len - 1024
max_file_uploads - 20
max_input_nesting_level - 64
max_input_time - 60
max_input_vars - 1000
memory_limit - 128M
post_max_size - 18M
sql.safe_mode - Off
upload_max_filesize - 30M
mysql.max_links - Unlimited
mysql.max_persistent - Unlimited
mysqli.max_links - Unlimited
mysqli.max_persistent - Unlimited
odbc.max_links - Unlimited
odbc.max_persistent - Unlimited
pcre.backtrack_limit - 1000000
pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
pdo_sqlsrv.client_buffer_max_kb_size - 10240
session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
session.gc_maxlifetime - 1440
soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5

Browser User-Agent String

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36

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