broken links with tabs

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Recently I noticed that the links within a block: Tabs keeps the same color as the entire text. The passage of the mouse pointer, the link will be very active but it will stay the same color throughout. It will not be detectable to the eye.

I will not put you to attachments, but the link to my home page. It's a website in French but when you read:

Arizona theme, you will understand my problem.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
View Replies:
laurentmaman replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I forgot to put the web address
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
We have tested on our demo site and cannot see this, behaviour we will
look at the Arizona starting point and come back to you

On 13/03/2016, 09:51, "concrete5 Community" <>
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The tabs do not take on the color/formatting of text links. They have their own style. For example, when selected/active their background color is white, default is light grey & hover is slightly darker grey.
laurentmaman replied on at Permalink Reply
I was not talking about the color of the tabs.

I spoke of a link in the text. In my text link back to your site page: "Arizona Theme" does not want to take the usual color of links to my website.

This is verifiable passage of the mouse pointer.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
So you are saying that a text link in the normal text on a page is not taking on the link color? Could you be more specific about where this text is, on what page and whereabouts etc? Thanks
laurentmaman replied on at Permalink Reply
I've put the link in my second comment.

We can not make it easier. It is on the home page: - Changes - 2nd line - theme Arizona.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
You have a custom design setting on that block which sets the fonts color to rgb(2, 22, 37) !important. Remove that and you should be good.
laurentmaman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your last tip, I could not remember my custom modifications. The problem was me, is resolved.

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