CSS priority

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Dear Developer,

I faced an issue by try to change the styling of my search block.
I use the free "Ronyd Expand Search Bar" add-on because of the nice expanding feature.
I've sucessfully changed the styling from the search button, what ever I like, works fine.
But for the text input part I face problems because the CSS properties out of the foundation.custom.min.css settings are stronger than my individual settings in the view.css from the add-on.

For example I simply like to make "border-radius: 30px;", shrink the form size so I need to shrink the font-size and change the bg color. Normaly not a big deal, right?

Who can give me support in there?

Best wishes

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
We do not support customizations unfortunately, certainly not for third party add-ons. However, one tip I would offer is to make sure you are specifying your CSS like so:
div.ccm-page element {

i.e. start with div.ccm-page to make sure you are targeting the element more specifically.
Resipisco replied on at Permalink Reply

do I get your answer right that what ever add-on I use in combination of your theme, I have to live with the fact, that non suitable css properties I usually can set in that add-on, will not work if your theme is using that proberty in your theme css files? For example a simple input form I like to have with other borders than you have specified for textareas?

This means I have to take the !important option to get my styling requirements fulfilled, right?

Best wishes
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
As per my last message, you may consider adding a more specific declaration to your CSS - no need for an !important...

For example:
.ccm-page input[type=text].sb-search-input {
   border-radius: 30px;
Resipisco replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, now I got the right syntax from your new suggestion and it works!
Before I did wrong with this: "div.ccm-page sb-search-input { ... }".

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