Google Fonts - Page name & description

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I'm probably missing something easy here... I've Google Fonts enabled and it's quite happily working throughout the site with just one exception - the page name and description seems to be ignoring it.

I've attached an screenshot if that helps?

Can you point me in the right direction so that I can use Google fonts on the page name & description and keep font usage uniform through the site?


1 Attachment

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Currently there is no option to change the page title and page description fonts via the Google fonts theme options page. As a work around, you could disable the page title and description globally from the 'Page Information' theme options page and then manually add a h1 for the title and h4 for the description at the top of each page.

We will look at adding this as an option in the next point release.
baysmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
No worries, I can use the page attribute display block to largely achieve what I want (albeit the block only provides h1, h2 & h3 markup, not h4 or lower) and place that in the page type template so it's automatically there upon page creation as per Fundamentals' page name and description display.

Thanks for the swift response!

Resipisco replied on at Permalink Reply

did you forgot to solve this topic, because it is still not working.
The <h1> tag behind the page name is still not taking the h1 font from google fonts h1 setting.

Best wishes
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
I can confirm this works on the latest version. It has its own option, 'Page Info Title' are you sure you are setting the correct option? Have you enabled Google fonts?

The H1 option relates to generic H1's you need to be setting this against 'Page Info Title'.

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