Page borders?

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I am wondering whether it is possible to create a hairline page border (gray) using this theme. I'm just beginning to develop the template for our site and I am interested in incorporating this design feature. This theme is very powerful and we are looking forward to developing our site with it.

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Status: Resolved
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The theme does not have this option as such although it should be pretty straight forward to add a border using some simple CSS. If you could show us a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve then although this is outside of normal support we may be able to point you in the right direction.
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks so much for the speedy reply! I started out trying to build our site on Squarespace but quickly ran into its limitations. We really need a CMS, not a pretty page builder. Still, we were starting to draft something like this, although we now have a sidebar on the right in Fundamental, which we do need. The page hairline gives a very nice styling for a plain site like this.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have not already, then you would need to enable 'boxed' from the Fundamental theme options general page

You site can then be 'boxed' as oppose to 'full width' so that you can have a border around it. You may then consider changing the width of the site using the built in core design customizer tool. In here you can set the page width under 'Body > Width'.

Finally, as there is not an option to automatically add a border line to the site, you would need to add some custom CSS which can be added under the 'Custom CSS' option in the design customizer tool (at the bottom), something like...
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
margin-top: 50px;
margin-bottom: 50px;

That should do it.
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply
I added the custom CSS but I was not sure which element to apply it to, so I used body:
    border:1px solid #DDD;
    margin:50px 50px 50px 50px;

This does create the border,and it looks great, but it boxes the header and the rest of the page, rather than just the outside margin of the page. Should I use a different element besides body?
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here's a screenshot of what we are aiming for... I don't know if this is helpful. We might see if you would want to provide a bit of consulting services. So far the theme seems to work well for our purposes. I'd love to have more page list types for it!
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
We may be able to look at this for you. This would be outside of the normal support offered however so we would have to charge.

Our minimum rate is $50 then $50 per hour thereafter. If this is something you are interested in then please Private message us the URL to the site & the login and we can take a look for you.

I would say this will take no longer than an hour to complete so the price would be $50.
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply
We absolutely would be very glad to have your help with this and we will be happy to pay for your services. I am not sure how to pm you, though.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
If you go to our profile here:

There should be an option to send us a message. If you can send the required info over then we can take a look for you.

appamada replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here is the missing attachment. Thank you!

Peg Syverson
appamada replied on at Permalink Reply
The color of this border is rgba (0,0,0,,0.1)

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