Paragraph font modifications

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I am looking for a place to modify the my site's paragraph font size. I see all the header settings under design customization and I see the actual paragraph setting under fundamental settings/google fonts, but neither allow me to modify that particular font size.

My paragraph font size is coming across too large. I can place p{ } in the Custom CSS section and that works, but that also effects the CMS and I don't really want a serif font on the concrete interface :). Man, I am probably showing my experience with C5 here.

Any help would be appreciated.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
There's a base font size specified in defaults.less, it is 16px.

If you increase that it will increase the p tag size, and anything else that uses the base font of 16px

You can find that file in the package here
themes / fundamental / css / presets / defaults.less

The value can be modified on line 8
@body-text-type-font-size: 16px;

Please backup the file before amending - just in case
bayleafmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the help,

I was unable to seem to make the changes show through to the site in default.less or arizona.less. However, I did find the Body font in the fundamental design customization settings listed under "Body" away from the fonts section. It was listed as 18pt font. I lowered that and everything is good.

thanks again for the help

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