Theme Downlaod

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My initial installation of Fundamental was corrupted.
I need to re-download the Fundamental theme.
It is not listed under my licenses in the account section.
The marketplace requires me to purchase it again.
Please advice on how I can obtain a new download of the theme.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

If you have the license assigned to a project then I believe the download link is disabled. You could try removing in from you project and see if that help.

Failing that you may need to contact concrete5 to resolve.
MarkGlover replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no license assigned to the project.
As there is no link to the project, i cannot remove it.

The link on the receipt below takes me to my orders but no link.

All attempts to find a means to contact concrete5 come back to this site.
I do not have a problem asking concrete5 for help, but how.

If you have a link, please send it to me.
I need to download my order.

This is your receipt, please keep it for your records.

ORDER NUMBER : #145479

Mark Glover
PO Box 179
Johannesburg, Gauteng

Fundamental $50.00
Order Total: $50.00
From your account: -$0.00
Charge amount: $50.00

If you have purchased files, you may download them from your profile.

If you need help installing your purchases, check out these instructions:

If you need help with a specific add-on, please use the support forums for that add-on:

Message from author: Thank you for your purchase.

Please don't forget to take a moment and post a review while you're in the add-on area, you might win free marketplace credits!

If any of the add-ons in your order can't be made to work or don't perform as described on the marketplace page, you can request a refund here:

Thank you!

Billing Department
concrete5 c/o PortlandLabs
PO Box 14125
Portland, OR 97214
Federal Tax ID: 75-3017461
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking at the email concrete5 have sent you, you should be able to find the files for download here - - if you can't then you need to contact concrete5 - we have no control over licenses & files.

If you can not find a direct contact, then posting in the general forums may alert one of the core team members who can assist.
marklane replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I received a reply from Concrete5 and between their reply and yours, I figured out the issue. I simple had to many projects with the same name. I deleted all the projects and the theme became available.It has loaded successfully

Thanks for your assistance..

concrete5 Environment Information

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Core Version - 8.4.3
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log_errors_max_len - 1024
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pcre.backtrack_limit - 1000000
pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
session.gc_maxlifetime - 7200
soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5
xcache.var_maxttl - 0

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