What is your amazing website using Fundamental?

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Hi all,

I hope this question isn't inappropriate.

I am looking to move to fundamental. I've looked over the showcase site, but they don't exactly scream "Come to Fundamental" for me (my apologies if your site is one of them, they just aren't what I am looking for).

Have you made any sites using this theme that you believe exemplify a great website?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The showcase sites are submitted automatically by users, we have no say over what goes on there. The Fundamental theme is the most flexible in the marketplace, so you could really build just about anything you want.

Have you checked out the demo site and starting points, they are all built with this theme:


We no longer build custom sites but rather build themes and add-ons so we do not have a portfolio of other sites to show. We build the theme, you guys build the sites ;)
bayleafmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
THanks for the reply,

Sorry about the confusion, this question was to the community rather than the company. I am looking to see if there are any users who have done great things with fundamental.

thanks again

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