Pagelist slider wonky

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The page list slider towards the bottom of the home page ( is only showing one page (see attached screenshot). This has been a chronic issue and seems to come and go. I had our developer look at this and this is his response:

"It doesn’t appear to be a styling bug, the javascript isn’t applying the correct logic to the slides, it’s not copying the three clones it needs each time it slides (I can see this in the web inspector) I think this could be quite a challenge for me to debug as it’s not my script and I’m not familiar with it. I think this one is best put back to the theme developer and see if they have a solution - they may have already fixed it."

Not sure what else we can do on our end. Can you look into? Let me know if you need login info.


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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tom,

I’m currently travelling right now but should be able to get to my work station tomorrow. I’ll look into it as soon as I can.

Kind regards
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Tom!

Sorry it took a while for me to look at your site.

It looks like your site failed to load the four column carousel javascript (see attached). I am not sure what is causing it though. Did you change any of the core files? Or files that relate to asset management? Are there other scripts on the site that could stop the core js dependency injections? Sometimes other addons will also break asset management.

Anyway, a quick fix would be to manually add the missing script to the page. But to find the problem, you need to slowly remove addons and scripts one by one until the asset management works again.

I hope this was helpful.

All the best,

concrete5 Environment Information

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Core Version - 8.1.0
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Database Version - 20170123000000

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Block Cache - On
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