Help with Mobile Nav

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I'm having trouble with the mobile nav. The nav icon is showing in the top right of the phone screen but it's not active. Any guidance would be appreciated.
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Status: In Progress
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MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really sure where it came from, but go to themes/barmerahotel/js/functions.js

and where it says

rename #navmobile to #hamburger
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your prompt response Michael. I did rename the hamburger id at one stage, I had forgotten to change the js back! That has fixed the home page problem, I can now access the other menu items on the home page, but when on the other pages the nav isn't active. Any ideas?
This was the initial problem I was having before fiddling!

Any ideas why
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm about to put this website live and am still having an issue with the mobile nav. The mobile nav is working on in the home page but on other pages it isn't active. Any chance of having a look at this for me please. I have purchased your theme.
At the moment the site is will be going live at the domain in the next day or so.
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like the subpages is not including the functions.js file.

I don't know why. Maybe you modified the footer.php include for other pages and didn't include the functions.js file in that? Just a guess.

We can support the theme, but if you're going to make modifications to it, especially renaming elements, removing files etc... it's up to you to understand what it is you're modifying.
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Michael, I think that may be it! I understand regarding modifying.

THanks for your help.
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,

I've just realised why I removed the functions.js from some pages, as it was conflicting with the Mosaic Gallery I have installed on 4 pages. The problem is when you enlarge the image and scroll through the slideshow and go to close the image it opens up a new blank page instead of going back to the page. I discovered when I removed the functions.js from those pages the gallery worked fine and didn't open up the new tab when closing. Do you know what this conflict may be?
If you go to this page and click on one of the images in the gallery and close it, you will see how it's opening the new blank page.
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply

If you go to functions.js you can remove these lines:

//make a cool 'external' selector. exceptions: mailto: and javscript jazz
   $.expr[':'].external = function(obj){return !obj.href.match(/^mailto:/)
   && !obj.href.match(/^javascript/) && (obj.hostname != location.hostname);};
   //add the class "external", and add popup.
   $("a:external, a[href*='.pdf'], a[href*='.doc'], a[href*='.docx']").addClass("external").click(function(){; return false;;});
   //add another class for specific file types
   $("a[href*='.doc'], a[href*='.docx']").addClass("doc");

That will fix it and not cause any further issues.
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much Michael, that did the trick!

I was searching for the 'external' class in the gallery files, thinking that's probably the issue, didn't look through the functions.js properly did I !!!!

Much appreciated, thank you.
anete replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Seems that quite a few of the mobile views aren't hiding the nav once past the home page.I have attached a screenshot. Not sure if there is a fix for this. .
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
set a white background for #mainShell I think....
tccmarietta replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Anete, I am having the exact problem you did with the drop-down nav showing through. How did you end up fixing that problem? I am a beginner at web sites and am not experienced modifying code. Appreciate any help you can offer!

Here is the troubled link
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like your mobile nav is showing but being hidden by the slider. I think it's probably a z-index issue, but hopefully Michael might be able to guide you more on that. All the best.

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# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
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