Chrome links not working

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In Chrome and Opera Browser navigation bar is not working. Is it fix for this bug?

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Status: In Progress
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dlugilong replied on at Permalink Reply
No support for that?!
dlugilong replied on at Permalink Reply
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

first, apologies for the delay.

It seems this is a bug in one of the plugins used in the theme (more info: ). Apparently, updating the plugin to the latest version should fix the issue. However, concrete 5.6 is using an outdated version of jQuery (note that 5.6 is a legacy version) and is not compatible with the latest version of the plugin.

So I'd recommend applying the following fix:

1. Edit the custom.js file ( located under package/theme_long_story_short_parallax/themes/long_story_short_parallax/js ).

2. Find the followin code:

$(window).scrollTo(slide, {
   duration: scrollSpeed,
   easing: 'easeInOutExpo',
   offset: navOffset,
   axis: 'y'

3. Replace it with:

$('html, body').animate({
   scrollTop: currentSlideOffset + navOffset
}, scrollSpeed, 'easeInOutExpo');

I've tested this locally and it has worked for me, but make sure to test the fix before using it in a live site.
WebOnTheWebb replied on at Permalink Reply
Worked for me too... thanks!
dlugilong replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, It's working. Thanks!

concrete5 Environment Information

Concrete 5.6.13

Browser User-Agent String

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36

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