Parallax Effect on Mobile

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Hola Jordi

I have finally got a client that this theme is perfect for.
I have a dev build on the go but I seem to have hit a problem.
Although the Parallax is working perfectly on desktop it does not seem to work on mobile.
Each slide appears but there is no Parallax effect, am I missing something?

My dev site is on
I am working on it at the moment but you should be able to see what I mean.



Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hola Alex!

parallax backgrounds are not supported on mobile. As stated on the marketplace page: "parallax backgrounds are disabled on mobile for performance reasons".

Actually most webistes using parallax effects disable them on mobile, for instance Spotify used to have a vertical parallax homepage and the effects were also disabled on mobile.

However, if you want to enable them, you can try the following.

Edit the custom.js file (located under packages/theme_long_story_short_parallax/themes/theme_long_story_short_parallax/js/).

Find line 4 and replace it with:
isMobile = false;

This should enable parallax backgrounds on mobile. Make sure to test if the results are ok for you. If you find the parallax effect is jerky, I'd recommend disabling it.


madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Gracias Jordi


concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
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