Adding New Slides / Moving Slides Up and Down

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Hi there

I could do with adding a portfolio section to my site though can't find a way to slot a new slide in between existing slides / add a new slide at bottom and move up to desired position. Is this possible? Please see attached screenshot. Grateful for advice.



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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Bruce,

the slides are Page Areas and currently there is no way to move page areas. You'd need to move the blocks manually to the slide below to make space for the portfolio.

A while ago I developed an experimental featured that allowed you to change the order of the slides: it was basically a Page Attribute that allowed you to enter a custom order (for instance "1,2,6,3,4,5"). If you're interested I can send you the file to achieve this (you'll need to have FTP access to upload it).

heritageboy replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for coming back and yes - I would be very grateful if you could send me the file.


jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Bruce,

this is what you need to do:

1. Go to Dashboard -> Page Attributes

2. Add an attribute of type "Text":
Handle: slide_order
Name: Slide Order
Set: Long Story Short Options

(Leave other fields with default values)

3. Upload the default.php file (i'll send it to you in a private message) to /packages/theme_long_story_short/themes/long_story_short

(Make a backup of the existing default.php file just in case something goes wrong and you need to roll back the changes)

4. Now, if you edit the page, you should see a new attribute called "Slide Order". Add it to the page and enter a custom order (such as 1,2,6,3,4,5).

Let me know if you have any issues,

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