Header background colour

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Hi Jordi,

I am trying to make the background colour of my header white as the logo I have as the site name has a white background.

I have managed to change it on some of my pages by using the Design > Customise > Header background but on some pages when i approve version it changes back to grey.

Any thoughts?

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Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

when you use the theme customizer, you need to click on the "Save Changes" green button to save all changes. You can also try clearing the cache if you don't see the changes on the site.

Finally, you can also apply the changes to the entire site or to the page itself. Which one are you choosing?


AthanD replied on at Permalink Reply
I have clicked save changes to "this page only". If i click entire site, will it make just the change that i have made to the background colour across the site or change all customises across the site? (I have different customisations for different pages)

How do you clear the cache?

Sorry for all the newbie questions!
AthanD replied on at Permalink Reply
I have used the clear cache add on but the problem still persists. If you visit the site (www.centreforschematherapy.com) and navigate through the pages you can see that the header for only a few pages has not changed to a white background where others have...

Any thought?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

were you able to fix this? I've been navigating through the site, but all pages i've visited have a white header...

AthanD replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi,

Yes thanks, clearing cache on my browser helped!!!

Thank you for all your quick responses! best support I've ever had!! :)
ChipsCamp replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi

Am interrupting this trail of support messages since I am following the same topic.

My website has the header background as black. How am I able to amend the header color?

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

you should be able to change the header background by using the theme customizer (click on the gear icon -> Design -> Custimize).

Here is a Getting started tutorial with some screenshots:



ChipsCamp replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi
I've got this. Thanks for your help.


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