Hi Jordi

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Thanks for the great theme. I would like to ask if it's at all possible to use two pages with slides on them in one site? I know it's supposed to be for one page sites but it seems to me the only problem is that the slides nav block is in a global area, and so has the same links in it on both pages. Just thought Id ask if there was a workaround for this...

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Status: In Progress
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sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
ah it was because I had moved my slides nav into the site name area.
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

Glad you could sort it out!


sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. Is there any way to differentiate the slides nav menu from the auto nav menu?
Even with different text?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

if you click on the Slides Nav block or the Auto nav block and choose "Design & Custom Template", you should be able to change the color and size of the menu text (by adjusting the "Link Color" and "Base Font Size" options).

If you need to customize it further, you can also add some custom CSS (Design -> Theme -> Customize -> Custom CSS). I can help you with that if you want.


sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much Jordi
I would love a few tips. I might be asking dumb questions, but could I possibly put the slides menu beneath the auto-nav menu?
or even swop them around on the same level?
sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
And while I have you:)
I'm trying to set up Problog. I saw that you said one should use the standard page template. I have done that, but I don't seem to be having success. I have created a blog page, not sure of next step. I don't seem to be able to do a blog entry from composer. It says
"Unable to load block into composer. You must edit this content from within the context of the page."

Thanks again for any help Jordi
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ben,

this theme was specially designed for one-page websites. If you need to create a blog, maybe you could try using the Long Story Short theme only for the homepage and a standard theme for the blog (such as Elemental).

You could also try to set up the blog using the Elemental theme to see if the issue is related or not to the Long Story Short theme.

Anyway, you're right, if you want to use the theme for the blog, you'll need to use the "Standard Page" or the "Standard Page with Right Sidebar".

I'm not familiar with ProBlog, so I'm not sure why you're getting this error. I'd recommend following the ProBlog documentation and using the Elemental theme to set up the blog (later you can try to apply the Long Story Short theme with the Standard Page template and see if it works fine).

Sorry not to be more helpful,

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ben,

to achieve this you'll need to add some custom CSS (Design -> Theme -> Customize -> Custom CSS).

To put the slides menu beneath the auto-nav menu, try adding this code:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
   .onpage-nav {
       float: none;

To swap them around on the same level, try this code instead:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
   .site-nav {
       float: right;

Hope this helps!

sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
You're a star Jordi, thanks.
That makes sense about the blog.
One last tip, when you get the chance - would love to put my social media icons on the same level like this person did with your theme.

Probably coding there too?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ben,

that site was built using concrete 5.6, but I think you could achieve that by adding a Social Links block to the Site Nav area (where your Auto Nav block is) and then adding this custom CSS:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
   .site-nav > div, .site-nav > ul {
       float: left;


sharkfin replied on at Permalink Reply
Fantastic thanks Jordi

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