Where can I add my own Google Fonts in?

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I'm probably completely missing where it is but I can't seem to figure out where in the world to add more Google Font options into the theme without editing core theme files which is an undesirable option.

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Status: Archived
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vGibson replied on at Permalink Reply
And as quickly as I ask I think I found it. Under page attributes... I was looking in theme customization. Is there any way to add the fonts I want to use to the Theme Customization drop down for each font in case I want to use different fonts for each heading style?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

Unfortunately, the theme customizer does not allow to add new fonts to the dropdowns.

That's why the theme uses Page Attributes to select a google font for the headings and a google font for the body text.

If you need to use different fonts for each heading style, you could try the following:

Let's say you want to use "Oswald" for "Heading 3".

1. Go to Google Fonts, select the font you want to use and click on the Quick Use button. In steps 1 and 2, change the settings if necessary. In step 3 ("Add this code to your website"), select the second tab (@import) and copy the code to the clipboard.

2. Go to your concrete5 webiste. In the theme customizer, under "Advanced", you'll find the "Custom CSS" option. Click on it and paste the code there. Then add a CSS rule to use the font for the heading style you want. The complete code to use "Oswald" for "Heading 3" should look like this:

@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald);
h3 {
    font-family: 'Oswald';

Hope this helps,

vGibson replied on at Permalink Reply
sounds good... TBH I had not got a chance to mess with 5.7 much yet and I was not sure I was not missing something simple... This is simple enough though... :) thanks
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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AthanD replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordi,

Again sorry for all the questions. I have copied and pasted the above code into custom CSS on a page on my site but when I click save I always get a 403 error message from lightspeed technologies and it won't let me continue until I delete the pasted code...

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

A couple things you can try:

1) Make sure the first line (the one beginning with @import) is at the top of the custom CSS area. Also try changing http to https:

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald');

2) If that does not work, you can try pasting the following line in the header.php file of the theme (within the <head> section):

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald" rel="stylesheet">

If A or B do not work, you can try contacting your hosting provider and report the issue.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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