Header styles in Redactor

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Hello. First attempt on Concrete 5.7 :)

In Redactor, when I choose the style "wand", I do not get the different header styles to choose from, I have to add the <h2>code<h2/> in html view.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
djoniba replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, posted at the wrong place. This is an after- sale question.
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

the wand button is only for Custom Styles provided by the theme. To apply the header styles, you need to use the second button on the toolbar ("Formatting").


djoniba replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. Is there a way of showing the styles in the formatting button (that the actual look of the header is showing in the list). Hope you understand what I mean
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm afraid themes can only add styles to the Custom Style dropdown.

However, you could try changing the styles of the Formatting dropdown list yourself. Every item has a class (for isnstance, "redactor_format_h1"). So you could use the Theme Customizer and add your own styles to the "Custom CSS" area, for example:

.redactor_format_h1 {
   font-family: "Just Another Hand";



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