Google Fonts Question

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Great theme. Just getting the site up, and I had a question. If I want to add a font option for the headlines, what do I need to do? I added another Google font family to:

(copied and pasted from Google to make sure format, spelling were correct...)

I cleared the cache a couple of times, logged out and back in again, but the other family doesn't show up in the Design options for the H1, H2, etc. So I am missing something.

I presume that it's better to add the option via c5's custom Design option, as those changes should be preserved in the event of an update to the theme, as opposed to changing the less/css files directly.

Although, as a test, I did also try changing the fonts in:

but that didn't effect any changes after clearing cache, viewing in another browser, etc.

So I am missing something there too. I looked on the forums, but couldn't find a general solution.

Any help you could provide would be most appreciated!



Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tim,

Regarding adding fonts, please see the link below:

DBKG replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks, but that doesn't work for me. I tested it by copying and pasting that (changing the h3 to an h1 tag and using Oswald as the test case), but Oswald gets overridden and still loads as Roboto. Cleared the cache (twice) and checked it another browser.

I've attached the screenshot when inspecting the element in Chrome.


datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi Tim,

I have uploaded the new version of the theme along with the fixes for custom Google Fonts. Kindly update the theme and clear your browser's cache.

You can update the font via the following:

If you do an update option:
=> Create a custom page attribute in the dashboard
name: Milo Header Extra Contents
handle: milo_header_extra_contents
type: textarea

=> Go the home page and add the custom page attribute. Click "Milo Extra Header Contents" This is where you can add Google Fonts and CSS overrides. Please see the attached images.

If you do a fresh installation, you don't need to add a page attribute in the dashboard.

Hope this helps.

DBKG replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome. Thanks.

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