Adding a slider to page templates

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Hi David,

We are currently developing a new site with your fantastic theme! Everything has gone well so far and the client is happy but has now decided that they would prefer slider images on some of the pages that we have already built. These are all left side bar templates and I can't see a way of adding the slider block on these pages. If I remove the header image attribute, I don't see an option of replacing this area of the page with the slider block. Is this possible? It would be great if we didn't have to rebuild the pages in a different template.

I hope that makes sense!

Many thanks in advance.



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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Duncan,

Glad to hear you are still enjoying using Modena.

Unfortunately, there is not a straight forward way of doing what your client is asking i'm afraid, the sub-page banner area does not have an "Editable area" in the template, it is just controlled via the page attribute, so an editable area would have to be added to the template, also, as I have never placed a slider in that position I couldn't vouch for how it would behave, it might be ok, but might not.

Having said that I can write up some instructions about how to add an editable area to that part of a template, but it may need some tinkering with CSS and the end result would not be guaranteed. Let me know if you would like the instructions, it may take me a day or two before I can get them done, but I am happy to do them if you want to give it a go.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi David,

Many thanks for the fast response!

It's a shame that we can't replace the block but I understand. I don't think that we will go down the route of adding an editable area as this could be a rabbit hole by the sounds of it.

Is the Home page template the ONLY place that we can place a slider at the top of the page then? If so, is there any reason that we can't use this template for sub pages?

Thanks again.


VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Duncan,

Yes that's correct the homepage template is currently the only page that you can add a slider to the top area, there is only one reason that you could not use the homepage template for other pages and that is if you are using the option to style the header separately for the home page and subpages, if your header is the same for every page then there is nothing to stop you using the homepage template for any number of pages.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, Thanks David.

I think that might be our workaround. I don't think that we'll run into any styling issues on this site but I'll certain bare that in mind for future installs.

If you do find the time for instructions on how to swap out the attribute for an editable block, I would really appreciate it. For me, it is the only thing that I have found tricky in this otherwise fantastic theme!

Many thanks for your time David, it's much appreciated.


VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Duncan,

I think I can go one better than that, I will add a new page type with a global and non-global area at the top suitable for a slider, I can't promise it will be "soon" but I will add it to the Modena roadmap for the next update.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi David,

That would be perfect! For us, it would add the flexibility that we would need. A lot of our clients like the idea of having 'movement' at the top of the page (and you can't argue with a client, eh?).

As always, thanks for the incredible support and solutions that you provide!



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