Button for Off Screen Hero Unit

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Hi David

Is there an easy or fast way to add a button to the Off Screen Hero Unit? Is this something that could be added as a default option to have / or not; perhaps with the ability to select its location on the text column or positioned on the image area?


Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Hi There,

Yes, that's totally possible, the Modena buttons in all their variations are built into the Concrete5 editor, to add a button through the editor please follow the steps below:

1/ Place you site in edit mode, then click on the "Offscreen hero unit" that you wish to add a button to.
2/ Go the "Hero unit content" section.
3/ In the editor add a link as you would normally through the C5 editor.
4/ Highlight the link you just created. In the C5 editor you should see a dropdown called "Styles" from that menu you can select any of the buttons available from the actual button block.
5/ You can position the button as required by using the text alignment options in the editor.

Hope that helps, I have included some screenshots to highlight the process.

Best regards

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry forgot to answer your last question, we don't currently have any plans to add the option of placing a button on the image side, due to the way the image is handled and placed off-screen I am not sure it would work so well, However I will place it our roadmap for further exploration.
ljmdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Easy done, thanks David. I was looking in there yesterday for it but couldnt see the forest through the trees. Cheers.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Not a problem at all.

Best regards


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