Community Store Friendly

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I was wondering if this theme, or maybe your future new theme might be Community Store stylized out of the box, rather than needing to customize them? Just a thought, as it is a popular add on.


Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Justyn,

Extremely sorry for not getting back to you, I must have completely missed the notification for this message.

This is something we have been agonising over, as the Community store is only available via Github, and requires a manual install, we wonder if the majority of users would want that level of "technical work" and would it create a support bottleneck for us, where we would be spending a disproportionate amount of time solving install issues. But it is something that comes up often here, and we do want to do something with the community store as its a great add-on, sorry for such a vague answer, but its one of these things that may or may not happen.

Best regards

justynpride replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi David

No worries about the delay in replying. That's helpful to know that it is something that you have been thinking about. I can completely appreciate you dilemma of not wanting to get caught up on support work for someone else add on.

If it helps I wouldn't expect a theme developer to support the working of Community Store, but I can appreciate not everyone would think that way.

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# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.5.4
Version Installed - 8.5.4
Database Version - 20200609145307

# Database Information
Version: 10.3.23-MariaDB

# concrete5 Packages
Community Store (2.3.1), Community Store Order History (0.2), Modena Theme (1.1.0)

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