Header Settings not working

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Hi there, this is the second site I have built using Modena but I am having a few problems this time. The main one is the Header Settings in the Dashboard - I went in to turn off the Search when I first installed the theme and after that it hasn't worked - where it says
'Header options
Fixed position header
Make the site header stay at the top of the screen when the page is scrolled.' it turned from on (green) to off (grey) and however many times I try to turn it back on and save the settings (and it says the settings have been saved) it turns off again. Not only that but the mobile responsive navigation doesn't work at all (the icon doesn't appear) but the desktop nav is working perfectly. Do you have any ideas?

Thanks so much, Lucy

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
View Replies:
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

Thanks a lot for your purchase, it's much appreciated.

We have just become aware of this bug ourselves and we are currently working on a fix, I can offer you a temporary workaround if you would like? otherwise we hope to have a fix within the next couple of days, if it's not mission-critical.

Very sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your quick reply!

Yes it is quite important to get this sorted asap so a temporary workaround would be great, thank you!
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

As discussed earlier please find below a patch for the Modena theme and instructions on how to use it:

1/ Click on the "Cog" icon on the top left of the concrete5 admin bar, from the menu select "Design" and then click "Customize" on the blue overlay.

2/ From the customize options scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the "Advanced" section, under that click on the "Cog" icon that is next to the words "Custom CSS" in the CSS window that appears paste in the following CSS code:

.primary-header {
position: fixed !important;
z-index: 100;

.ccm-page .primary-header, .ccm-page .primary-header--search, .ccm-page .primary-header__logo h1 img, .ccm-page .mobile-nav-toggle, .hero-unit__spacer, .ccm-page .ccm-responsive-navigation {
height: 100px;

.ccm-page .primary-header__h1, .ccm-page .desktop-nav .nav-item, .ccm-page .desktop-nav .nav li, .ccm-page .primary-header__logo h1 img, .ccm-page .ccm-responsive-navigation ul li {
line-height: 100px;

.ccm-page .primary-header--resized, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .ccm-responsive-navigation {
height: 70px;

.ccm-page .primary-header--resized .desktop-nav .nav-item, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .primary-header--search, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .primary-header, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .primary-header__logo h1 img, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .primary-header__h1, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .primary-header__logo-image, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .mobile-nav-toggle, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .utility-bar-toggle, .ccm-page .primary-header--resized .ccm-responsive-navigation ul li {
height: 70px;
line-height: 70px;

3/ Click on "save changes" then click on "Entire site" and publish your page.

This will get you the fixed header back again, unfortunately, we cannot restore the functionality of the header resizing and gaining a different background, as its scrolled, we appreciate that this not ideal but it does get you a useable header back again until we can issue the update with the fully functioning fix in.

I would like to offer my most sincere apologies, and as some way of compensating you, we would like to offer you a free Modena license, for use on your next site, as soon as we issue the update I will send you a license via Concrete5.

Again sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great David, it worked perfectly! Just let me know when you have the update, but this is fine until then. And thanks so much for your kind offer! Your theme is very good indeed. I always used to use my own themes but you have so much functionality built into yours it just seems easier to use it instead!
ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again David

Slight problem - because the header doesn't resize as you start scrolling down the page it obscures half the screen on a mobile phone. I could probably figure this out but as you know your code better than me you might have another workaround for this?


VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

I think this might help, if you follow steps 1 & 2 from yesterday, in the CSS editor paste this bit of code under what you already have:

@media (max-width: 48em) {
.ccm-page .primary-header, .ccm-page .primary-header--search, .ccm-page .primary-header__logo h1 img, .ccm-page .mobile-nav-toggle, .hero-unit__spacer, .ccm-page .ccm-responsive-navigation {
height: 70px;

.ccm-page .primary-header__h1, .ccm-page .desktop-nav .nav-item, .ccm-page .desktop-nav .nav li, .ccm-page .primary-header__logo h1 img, .ccm-page .ccm-responsive-navigation ul li {
line-height: 70px;

Where it says "height: 70px;" and "line-height: 70px;" just adjust the "70px" to the height that suits your site.

I am currently working on the update and I am hoping it will be available tomorrow afternoon at the latest. again very sorry for this, its a very unusual bug, as it's only affecting that one settings page and all other pages using exactly the same code are all working fine, it's taking some tracking down. Thank you for your patience and understanding its much appreciated.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you yet again, that worked perfectly. Sorry to take up your bug finding time. Normally I wouldn't have been in a rush but we are hoping to get this site live tomorrow!

Must go off and write you a review while I'm thinking about it....
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

That's no problem, glad it helped.

Thank you so much for the sparkling review, its good to hear you are enjoying using Modena, (despite the annoying bug :( )

Best regards

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

I have just submitted the update to Modena, that gets rid of this bug, I hope it will appear as an update for you soon.

When you have installed the update please go to the "Custom CSS" section again and make sure to delete all the temporary fix CSS I gave as it will more than likely cause issues once the update is installed.

Also, as you have encountered this bug you will have to go to the "Header Settings" page and reset all the options you want, only this time when you hit save they should behave themselves.

Again very sorry about all this, and thanks so much for your patience while I got this fixed.

As promised I will send you over a complimentary copy of Modena as soon as I am sure the update has been rolled out by Concrete5.

Enjoy your weekend.

Best regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again David

I have just installed the update but I am having the problem again with the mobile responsive navigation not appearing (no icon). Any thoughts?

Kind regards

ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again

Sorry I've fixed it; although I had cleared the cache I actually had to go in and manually update all the settings in the header area and that seems to have sorted it out, looks great now, thanks so much!

All the best

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Lucy,

Glad to hear you got it sorted.

Best regards

KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm having the same problem and it's really an issue that the background of the menu stays transparent when scrolled. What code can I use that the navigation stays relative/put/is not in fixed position, but stays transparent on top?
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there

This issue is fixed in update 1.0.1 please update your Modena install, go to "Dashbaord > Extend Concrete5" and the update will be there.

Best regards

KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply
Everything works now, thank you!

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# concrete5 Version
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ExchangeCore reCAPTCHA (1.1.1), Location Map (1.0.11), Modena Theme (0.9.7), Spacer (0.9.4)

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