menu width

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how can i make the width of the menu wider? Currently the page titles of my menus wrap and i really want them all on one line

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Status: In Progress
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

Thanks a lot for your purchase.

You can specify the width of submenus in the theme options please go to the following location:

Dashboard > Modena Theme Options > Navigation Settings

There you can set a width that will prevent your long nav items from wrapping.

Best regards

dbuerer replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you!! that is very obvious but fixed the problem right quick.

Second question: i'm having trouble with the logo on the mobile version of the site either showing up below header, or, the menu dropping below the top line. How can i fix that?
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

Glad that sorted the menu issue for you.

Because of the way the header operates, i.e shrinking the logo when the page is scrolled, we can't restrict the logo to a set height/width or both, the only thing you can do really is decrease the size of the logo a touch, in most cases it only needs a few pixels, we usually find that a logo length of 250 - 350px is about the sweet spot even on the smallest of phone screens.

Best regards


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