Need to color this white area with new background color

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What is the Design setting or CSS reference that will allow the white areas in the image to be colored with my new background color?


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Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi There,

Apologies for the delay getting back to you.

The setting you need is the body background and can be found in the customise settings, please see the attached screenshot.

Best regards

jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply.

I already have that checked, and that's what provides the light tan color visible elsewhere in the image I shared.

TIA for an updated response,

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Jay,

This is working for us, please see the attached screenshot, we have used this setting to colour the background red and the entire background is covered.

Can you confirm you did the following please:

1/ Click on the top left cog icon on the Concrete5 edit bar "Page Design, Location, Attributes and Settings"

2/ Click on "Design" and then click "Customise"

3/ scroll down to the "Main site" heading and click on the background colour, when selecting the colour make sure you have clicked on "Choose" or the colour will not be selected.

4/ Click on "Save changes" and then "Entire site" or "This page" as desired.

If this is still not working for you, please send over a PM with some admin login details for your site and I will be happy to take a look for you.

Best regards

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jay,

One other thing to try, in the screenshot you sent over, hover over the middle area "Empty column 2 area" and in the bottom left corner of that area, click on the grey "column 2" tab, from the context menu, click on "Edit Layout design" from the menu bar that appears click on the small image icon "Background colour and image" from there you can select a background colour.

It may be that this area has kept its background colour from the dummy content that gets installed when the theme loads up.

Best regards

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jay,

Thanks for the login details, it is now sorted for you on the homepage, it was the second solution I provided above.

Best regards

jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, David.

Actually, I had checked both of your suggestions and had gone through and modified the color in all the Empty Column 2 areas that I could see Guess I missed one.

All the best.

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