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I like the look of this masonry style (asymmetrical)
is it fairly straightforward to display images from the blog post, and to create this varied size layout with a good working knowledge in web customization? I've customized several isotope based webpages on previous versions of concrete5 (pre 5.7) but not as of late. before i commit to buy i would just like to know if it's feasible or if it is using some other framework i do not know. thanks inadvance

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
This theme is incredibly easy to customize. The 'masonry' layout as per this page - is simply a page list with a custom template. Images can be added by assigning an image to a page with a simple attribute (which is included). Furthermore this theme in particular has built in options to set how many columns the masonry grid uses which makes it even easier.

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