Portfolio - copy page to create new page... but same image used by both original and copies

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Was creating Blog pages by editing the demo pages. After completing changes to seven pages successfully, I made a mistake on the first page. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to correct my mistake, I then chose to delete the first entry and duplicate the third blog page to replace the first blog page. I then made all the changes to the new first page, titling it, giving it descriptions etc. I then added the picture that I wanted on the first blog entry in the attributes. I then went to the specific page via through visiting the page via the Site list and edited the content on the blog page.

After all this was done, I had a page one blog page and a page three blog page that were unique and reflected the correct information EXCEPT FOR ONE THING :

For some reason any change made to the image set in the attributes of page one blog entry is automatically used as the image in the page three blog page.

Similarly, if I make a change to the image in the page three blog entry attributes, it automatically gets also used by the page one blog entry.

I tried renaming the image file to give it a unique filename, just to see if that might work, but alas this new image file also got shared by the other page.

I flushed my browser cache... I flushed the Concrete5 site cache... and yet cache settings for the entire site were turned off during this 'development' stage. So that means I wasn't simply seeing cached pages...
So I am not sure why all the other entries made to page one and page three are accepted and remain unique to their respective pages, BUT the image added via the attributes page is automagically used by both blog pages and similarly, it is picked up and used by the portfolio listing on the front page of the web site.

So the question is : What do I have to do to ensure that the picture I assign to the image assigned in the attributes of page one, so that it remains unique to the page one blog entry and is not shared or used with the page three blog entry.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: New
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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0

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