Button on Homepage Slider

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Sorry if this somehow gets posted twice....

I am trying to add the button on the front page as per your demo (the big orange button "Learn More")

I added the class "btn.btn-primary.btn-lg" to the link through the text editor in the slider.
this did not work

I tried adding a text block
also did not work

How do you do this magic?
Thanks for any suggestions...

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Status: Resolved
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corywebb replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi arlenesey,

I added the class in the block editor for the slider. When you edit a slide, it pulls up the WYSIWYG editor for the "Description". That's where I added the button and the class on the button. If you click the `</>` icon in the editor toolbar, you can view the underlying HTML (see attached image), and you can add the class there.

Also, for slide's "Link" field, I selected "None".

I hope that helps.

arlenesey replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, Cory - as always great support.

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