Add content


The portfolio consists of pages created with the composer and displayed thanks to the block "Page List" on which is applied the template "Nuve Masonry". The thumbnail and the main image comes from the attribute "Thumbnail" of the page. Once the thumbnail is clicked, the content is displayed in a popup window.

Add a work.

To add a work to the portfolio, add a page type "A new Work".

Customizing the thumbnail grid

Number of columns

You can choose the number of displayed thumbnail columns: add a class to the Page List block (for display on two columns add the class 2-column).

Gutter between images.

By default a gutter is displayed between the thumbnails. To remove add the class 'no-gap' to page-list block.

Customizing the work Display

It is possible to change the arrangement of page blocks or add blocks displayed in the popup. For that change the Master of the page "A New Work":

Go to /index.php/dashboard/pages/types and click on the Output button of the page type you want to customize and Edit Default. 


The blog works just like portfolio. The type of page is called "blog entry" and the display can be done with the template Nuve Cards. It is also possible to change the number of columns, the display of the gutter and rearrange the contents of the page.