Simple Testimonials Block - CSS format of Pagination not working with this theme

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I'm kinda caught in the middle on this one, not sure who's fault it is, this theme or the add-on. I have used the Simple Testimonial add-on on other themes successfully, but when I installed it with your theme, the pagination doesn't format correctly. I'm sure it must be due to conflicting or missing CSS code, but can't seem to locate it. Do you have any idea why?

Here's a link to the page:
login to view with ID: demo PW: review

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply

I checked it out and can't see where the class ccm-pagination-wrapper is coming from.

Does the plugin generate it? I downloaded a copy of it to poke around inside and can't see that code anywhere.

What I did notice was the class of disabled on the links. Is there enough testimonials to trigger pagination?
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
It works fine on other sites I've done, ex:

I've had the same trouble finding the pagination code. I believe it is generated by the add-on.

There is to option to set a number of testimonials on a page so, I'm guessing, the number is fixed dictating when the pagination is enabled. But my concern is that the pagination is there in list form but not formatting correctly, which leads me to believe there is a conflict somewhere.

I don't fully understand the code, but it appears that the pagination is being generated, borrowing from the core's functionality, in TestimonialPageList.php found in the folder, HwSimpleTestimonials\Src. Does this give you any clues?

Thanks for the help!
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
I've figured it out. This theme isn't developed with Bootstrap as a base, and the pagination formatting uses bootstrap's defaults.

You'll need to grab the bootstrap pagination styles from somewhere else and paste them into the additional code section of the theme customiser to get them to look as per your example.
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the help. I took your tip and ran with it. I grabbed all the css for .pagination I found using inspector on another website that uses Simple Testimonial with a different theme and inserted into the Custom CSS area, along with installing the script that links to the js file in the Attributes/Header Extra Content area. Working well now.
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. Glad I could help.

I'm developing a couple of new themes at the minute and am using Bootstrap for just this reason. There's too many little bits and pieces within C5 that use it, that you don't find out about until someone uses a plugin like this.

Thanks again for buying this theme.

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