Change colour of page-title-dark background

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I'm trying to change the background colour of the page-title-dark element via the variables.css file but to no avail.

Using the variables.css file, I'm able to change the colour of page-title-bg with no problem (I just need to clear the C5 cache and my browser cache of course). However, when I change page-title-bg-dark, it has no effect.

I've obviously cleared both C5 and my browser cache but the element still renders with a colour of #333. Is this hardcoded elsewhere or am I missing something?

As a feature request, would it be possible to add a colour palette to the Pixel Theme options to adjust the background of the page title area (and that way have it stored in the database thus making future upgrades easier too)?

Thanks in advance.

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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Page Title Area BG Color are controlled by:
\packages\theme_pixel\themes\pixel\css\less\pagetitle.less: line 53

About lost changes on future updates, we agree. Pixel are not good at that point and we are come up with a solution in upcoming versions.
baysmedia replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks for the pointer, much appreciated.

As a side note, I think the pagetitles.less file has some "Windows" carriage return issues, and is carrying extra syntax that can cause some web servers issues (the other css files I've looked at seem fine btw). See attached file when opened in the vi text editor. I appreciate that not everyone uses vi, but it's so basic that it highlights unwanted / troublesome "Windows" syntax that shouldn't be present for files that will be interpreted by a (Linux-based) web server), so you may want to address that in your next update too.

Thanks again.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
I just downloaded the Vi for windows and checked the file, but couldn't see those characters. If you can fix that on ur linux machine plz send it to me so i replace it on master copy.
Btw, at 1.4.2 we include a less file for adding developers css rules, check instruction: item 5.

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