Change font style

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Dear PIEXEL Support,
I am trying to change font family and style of header and paragraph.
I follow 18 and 19 of instruction, then I set font family in
However, I can not change font family.
Could you please help this?

In attachments, file extension of attached changed from less to txt.

2 Attachments

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Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
You should find the last class which affects the font-size/family and pastes it into "".
For most parts, you can use the variables at "variables.less" file.
If you mention which part you intend to change I can help you more.
MattShimazaki replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Shahroq,
Thank you for your kind support.
My customer like to change font family and colour of
a.Whale Slider
c. CTA

Besides, like to change colour of Page header area.

Could you help how I can change?
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
At the add:
@import url('');

And at the add:
@body-font:                     'Indie Flower', sans-serif;
@heading-font:                  'Indie Flower', sans-serif;

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