Clients & Testimonials Express Objects not created

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The theme install failed to create the two express objects for Clients & Testimonials ( ), and probably as a result it also never created the demo pages for the express entry list templates

I just discovered this on the site I'm building. It's a fresh (new site) installation. All the other demo content installed fine. (I install with the demo content and move it all under a new "Hidden" page so that I can reference it to get familiar with the theme).

I do know how to create Express Objects, and the Entries, so if you can provide instructions on how you set those up (fields, etc) that should suffice. In the mean time I will test on another localhost test setup next.

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
I see now there is already a newer theme version, so I grabbed that and used it on the localhost test install of the theme.

Guess what. It DID create the Client and Testimonial Express Objects. SO now I'm copying the Object Details to manually create them on the actual site :-).

However, when you go to the Dashboard-Express (where you view or add Entries, not where you create the objects) you get "An Unexpected error occurred
Declaration of Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\DashboardExpressEntityPageController::getEntity() should be compatible with Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\DashboardExpressEntriesPageController::getEntity(Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\ExpressEntryResults $parent)

So I can't create any entries (at least on this test localhost install)

And, the theme install did not create the demo pages (which is not a big deal, I can reference your online demo and/or just try the different templates).

EDIT- Just an update, I created the Express Objects on the actual site, and I can get to the Add Entries section normally (without the above problem on the localhost install where it created the objects programmatically during install).
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Creating Express Objects programmatically cause error on older versions, that's why we removed Express features prior 1.3, and then add it again on 1.3+. I recommend removing the objects and create them again manually with the same fields. Then you should be able to use them for Client/Testimonial sections.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
I just updated theme again to new version 1.4.1
I did manually create both CLIENT & TESTIMONIAL data objects. Unfortunately, on the actual site build installation, I still have a wierd problem (had it with 1.4.0 and this update didn't change it).

I CAN'T AD ENTRIES for either Client or Testimonial. See the screenshots. The Area for data entry of the field data is BLANK (I tested in Chrome & Firefox).

EDIT- DUH. It was ME. I forgot to Edit the FORMS, so I was the reason there were no fields available. So NEVER MIND.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
So shall i close this ticket?

Thank you! I wish you write it as a review:)
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, close it. I will write a review ASAP.
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ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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