File block and footer info, some possible bugs

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Hello again.

(Possible) Bugs:
While testing File block templates I discovered that if I select a video file (mp4) there is no FA icon shown on download button, I tested with pdf, jpg, png too and it works as it should. Examples are marked with red lines in attached photos named fileblock_xxxx.

The template "Pixel 4 Tabs" for FAQ block is also having some problems - if I use a FAQ block, set some entries with text and stuff, and select any template except Pixel 4 Tabs all is fine. The template in question is changing all my entries to some text in Latin.

These are not a problem for me but I thought you should know.

Is possible to remove the information marked with black lines and X (author name and download statistic) for File block?
Also, how can I lower the height of the copyright footer area (see footer_area attached photo)? I suppose the margins marked in red are controlled by some variables...


3 Attachments

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
1- You are right, there was an issue with mp4 files which I fixed it and it will be available in next version. Till then you can extract and override attached file at:
2- That template is a test template which we forgot to remove from uploaded version. You can delete that.
3- Sure, duplicate one of the templates and comment out line 32-33.
4- You can insert this code into \packages\theme_pixel\themes\pixel\css\less\
#copyrights {
   padding: 20px 0!important;

(for more info about how to use file, check Instruction page #18)
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I found another bug. At first I thought is related to my site settings (multilingual, pretty URLs on, Canonical URLs set both to https) or something but I just made a fresh C5 and Pixel installation and the behavior is the same. This is not so good as I need to be able to add blog entries.

When I try to add a blog entry from Pages I receive an error
"Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"

if ($mode == 'P') {
        if (count($topics)) {   <<<<<<< this line is highlighted 
            ?><ul class="ccm-block-topic-list-page-topics"><?php
            foreach ($topics as $topic) {
                ?><li><a href="<?php echo $view->controller->getTopicLink($topic); ?>"><?php echo $topic->getTreeNodeDisplayName(); ?></a></li><?php
        } else {
            echo t('No topics.');

The error is in theme_pixel\blocks\topic_list\templates\pixel_list.php

If you need any other detail please let me know.
Screenshot attached.
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
If the site is boxed the sticky header navigation bar is going full width instead of limit itself to the box (see attachment).

Is this normal behavior? Can it be made to stay boxed?

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, It's a standard behavior.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Plz extract and override attache file at:
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Another error when trying to add Empty Page from Pages (via top C5 menu bar). Strangely, for Blog and Blog Entry types there is no error.

Adding any type of page from Sitemap is working correctly.

And can you please tell me what variables control the font size and family for Autonav block with "Pixel top bar" template?

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
1- Please extract and override attached file at:
2- \packages\theme_pixel\themes\pixel\css\less\variables.less
font type: Line 118
font size: Line 120
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Those 2 variables control the font of the autonav block menu and I already knew that.

I was referring to the variables controlling the Nestable Manual Nav with Pixel Top Bar template (see attached foto).
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no variable for them. You can copy/paste related CSS rules from "topbar.less" (line 11..) into ""
.top-links {
   li {
      > a {
         font-size: 20px!important;
         font-weight: 600!important;
         text-transform: lowercase!important;
         font-family: tahoma!important;
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
After replacing the file with the new one you sent there is a new error when adding an Empty Page.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
What do you mean by "Empty Page"? I couldn't recreate the error on my local.
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
See attached photo. The error is happening only this way (as in photo).
Adding any kind of page using Dashboard - Sitemap works well.
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
And another strange behavior.
In a Left Sidebar page (like this if you add an Autonav in sidebar and content in main area and you disable page title area, content is shown truncated (see LS withou Page title photo) but if you scroll down is shown correctly.
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Another issue, probably related to the above post - see attached photo.
In a Left or Right Sidebar Page, with multiple Main areas, if I add any kind of layout in any MainX area (x>=1), the columns are overlapping the sidebar area.

Any solution for this?

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Please extract and override attached file at:
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply
Working but there is still the problem of shifted content when page title area is disabled in Left/Right Sidebar pages.

To quickly reproduce the problem, add a Left/Right Sidebar page, disable page title area, add an autonav block (configured to show something), add content to main area. The content in main area will be shown shifted.

And there is still an error when adding a page using Pages button from C5 upper toolbar. This is not urgent but still...

cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
And another bug (hope the last one).

If I remove top footer area (from Pixel Options) and I set up a color for page background (RED in this case), this color is visible in the lower part of the page.

Later edit: it's not related to top footer area.
To reproduce the issue on a fresh install of your theme - set the Page Background Color to red (or any other color), add a page with no content. On this page there will be a zone, between Page Footer Area and Global Footer Area, where the background color is visible.

Somehow, I need this not to happen.

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
There is this code at functions.js that adds a margin-top style to footer section when the content of a page is not tall enough to push the footer to the bottom. In your case, it caused a white distance between footer and content section.
You can add this at "" to negate this effect:
   margin-top: 0!important;
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hello again.

I receive an error when I try to access a localized Header Navigation global area in Dashboard-Stacks and Global Areas-Global Areas-Header Navigation.
I don't think localization has anything to do with the error...

Could you see into it?

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Plz extract and override attached file on:
cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply
It's working.


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