Second Express Entry List Clients

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On my website ( i've on the front page an Express Entry List (bottom) with ur clients.

But i need also another Express Entry List on with other clients. How can i make a second Express Entry List with different clients? Have already taken over everything, but then get nothing to see.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
You can create a second Client Object (Client2) with the same attributes and then use Pixel client templates for your newly created object.
rheveling replied on at Permalink Reply
It does not work unfortunately. Exactly taken over as above, and the Pixel theme chosen. But then I only see a white surface
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
I see. It seems C5 does not allow of using the same handles for fields in different objects. I think the only solution here is to duplicate the template you want to use and edit handles. For example, in "pixel_clients_carousel.php" they are in line 96-99

$name = $item->getEntry()->getClientName(); //for 'client_name' handle
should be:
$name = $item->getEntry()->getClientName2(); for 'client_name2' handle

concrete5 Environment Information

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