Type style changes on Edit Feature

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Strange thing going on where I edit one of the template installed 'feature' items.
I go to edit just the title, and when I accept the change the paragraph text underneath changes style from black to grey and the line spacing is deeper?
See attached screen shot.

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Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you send me a live link?
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems you remove the "P" tag from the third one. Just simply wrap it with a P tag should solve the issue.
Also, I see you haven't made "The best view..." button full-with. Check instruction page #22.
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
You mentioned...
"It seems you remove the "P" tag from the third one."

I haven't removed anything for the 3rd one, it was the first and second from the left that I edited and it was only the title, not the body text.
If you look you will see that the body text is still the dummy greek text that was on the install.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
You can either add "P" tag to third one or remove the "P" tag from the first and second item.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry it's been a while only just getting back onto this.

Here is a better example:http://www.biarritzhotel.co.uk/test...

I have checked and the p tag seems to be there.
THE CTA has grey text and the content block has darker text. I haven't edited the styles.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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