Whale slider on mobile devices

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The whale slider is set to full screen but does not display full screen on mobile devices. Is there a way of increasing the slider size for mobile if full screen is not supported?



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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
The fullscreen mode in Whale Slider only works in non-mobile devices. Appending this mode to mobile devices, which has a vertical direction, does not make sense. In order for an image to fill the mobile screen completely, it should be stretched out disproportionately or be drastically cropped, neither of which produces a satisfying result.
AthanD replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your reply.

Could you possibly provide some code I could put into the custom.dev.less to experiment with the whale slider height on mobile devices? It would be handy to be able to see what height would achieve a landing screen that has a bigger slider.

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
It takes more than some CSS styles to make it fullscreen. It needs some changes in js files too.
EnjoyTheScenery replied on at Permalink Reply

I just purchased your Pixel 2 theme, and everything works great. But I am also hoping to get the Whale Slider to work full-screen on a mobile device. I have an image that works perfect no matter what the orientation or scale of the viewport. Can you provide the CSS and JS override scripts to help make this happen?

I've currently used a hack - modifying the design of the parent top-slider container by adding a background image and setting the size to 100VW and 100vh in the custom CSS. This works temporarily, but leaves the small strip of the Whale Slider just under the Nav Bar.


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