what is defining the "slider" height?

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What is defining the "slider" height? It seems too tall for mobile and tablets. I looked inside css and Javascript (slider.less, custom.less, functions.js) but never found editable values. Also is it possible for the "slider" to have different height assigned for different media size without screwing up the position of ".slider-caption" inside it?

Thanks in advance.

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Plz check Instruction page: No. 17
gr8days replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the quick tip.
I read the instruction, but changing the number in the dashboard seems that it only affects the height of div inside and outside div remains the same height (probably stayed at height of 500px) which creates a weird white gap. This is not ideal.

Off the topic but...It would be nicer if the users can customize the height of the slider responding to different display widths at least for 3 options (mobile, tablet, and desktop) from the dashboard.

If there is a work-around for the problem above regards to the "slider height", much appreciated.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't see any white gap around image trying different heights, can u provide me live link to check?
About different heights on mobile, we will consider it for the upcoming versions, till then u can add it manually simply by specifying a media query on custom.css file.
gr8days replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Thanks for the reply.
I think I figure it out.
To change slider height I can edit height from dash board to alter slider height on desktop size. And for tablet and mobile, simply edit "#slider" & ".oc-slider" height manually with media query.

When editing the #slider & .oc-slider together with same height, there were no weird gap under slider.

gr8days replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I see that you were completely right.
The cause for the weird gap was by my messy coding, my mistake.

Just editing #slider would do.
Desktop: edit from dash board
Others: User media query and change height of #slider

Sorry for the confusion, and thank you so much for your help.

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