Home Page - unable to get main image to be full width.

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I'm trying to get the same look at youve got on the demo site. With an image going the full width of the page ... and the block text over the top. Looks great. I've tried copying the code and replacing elements with my own images. Unfortunately this isn't working.

Can you please advise how to get this effect.

- html sample
- is there a custom design i need to apply
- do i need to get additional fuction for full width image?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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spencerhudson replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
also have a problem formatting "Formigo Social Links" on the site ... there seems to be an error with the main.css file ...


in the screenshot you'll see how the social icons are stepped rather than in a level list.
c5webdesign replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Hi Spencer,

For the banner see attached screenshot on how it is setup.
text over banner - use banner text area
for the background image - use banner area.

For social links:
It is not the main.css that is causing the issue.
On the block that you used in view.css file find the line below.
.block-sociallinks li a
and comment the line /* display:block; */


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