Blocks crashes

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When trying to edit the standard blocks it crashes with this message on the screen. (see attached image).
What's the problem here?


1 Attachment

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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italinux replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hello Peter

Thanks for your message and thanks for having chosen one of my themes.
Theme Resume has very good potentials.

Sorry for this problem you're experiencing ith the theme.
None has ever reported such a error before.

I have just done a fresh install of the theme on CMS version and it went very smooth, no problems at all aither installing the theme and installing and editing the curriculum block. I have no problems at all with the other blocks too.

NB: In attachment you find a screenshot with a copy of your environment and my environment, so that you can compare. But that's not where the problem is. Your environment looks good to me.

So personally, I can't reproduce the error on a totally fresh install, to me the theme works well.

Question 1:
Are you maybe using other themes or add-ons altogether?
I am asking because there are some rare cases where multiple packages installed they generate conflicts. If that's the case I would suggest to uninstall the packages you're not using.

Question 2:
Are you maybe using the Translation feature?
If you are trying to translare the theme Resume in Swedish for example or in other languages other than English, Italian, Spanish, German and French, maybe that can be the reason because it has been a while since I have not tested all the languages again.

Hope that helps a bit, please let me know how it goes, ok?

Kind Regards
peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Matteo.
No, I´m not using any other themes or add ons. This is a fresh new install with 8.5.2.
The only one is Elemental, but it feels strange to uninstall the standard theme.

I am not using any translation that I know. Is there a feature in your theme anywhere?
For me, it´s just not working and I have no clue what the error message means.

So, sorry but this was no help for me. If you want I can give you access to the site.

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Yes, that would be good, if you give me access to the admin site.
Please make sure I'll have privileges as administration OK?

I think that would be enough for me to fix it.
If not then next step would be FTP access.

I am sure at the end we'll fix it.

Kind Regards
peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, you've got mail!
Thank you.

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Thanks, yes I have received your email.
I've logged in successfully with English language, have looked around, all looks good.

I saw the Portfolio wasn't added to the Homepage and do I did as you can see it now.
That was good, NO errors at all.

I checked the installation, logs and everything looks good, nothing missing.
I cleared the cache and I logged out.

I think it's all good now.
Have a look around and please tell me what you think, OK?

Kind Regards
peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again.
I logged in using the English language instead of Swedish and then everything works, but what you are saying is that when you are loggin in with any other language there's gonna be problem?
Any fix for the future on this`?

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter.

Thanks for your message.

II meant, really think it's only during theme and blocks installation that you would encounter an issue if you are using the administration interface language in Swedish.

I mean, now that the blocks are all there installed, I am pretty sure you'll not have any problems while editing them on the site, even if you login chosing Swedish language.

You see what I mean, It's only during installation that the problem seem to accour.
I can say it does not happen while using German, Italian, Spanish, French and English .. I have to re-check and FIX Swedish then.

But I mean .. I bet now you'll not have any problems using Swedish.
But if you need to install the blocks again .. then yes you need to login in English untill I fix this issue to the next version of the theme within this month or the next one.

I hope that's good enough for you for the moment.
And thanks again for having chosen one of my packages

Kind Regards
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Hope you're good and thanks once again for having conacted me regarding the theme Résumé.
I hope I did help you with my last message, but if anything wasn't clear enough you are free to ask me, no problems at all. So you are free to contact me anytime OK?

I am glad if I can support and help, no problems.
This theme has very good potentials and if I can help you again it's good.

Thanks once again
peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again.
I have tried to log in with the Swedish language to edit my blocks but the error remains.
In English edit mode all is good. So there has to be the Swedish language that causes all this. I can't see anything else, but as long as it works in English I'm good.
Thanks again for fast support!

By the way, can I use a custom css to align the menu to the right?

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Thanks again for your message.

OK I am glad somehow you can go forward, good.
Yes I am pretty sure the issue is with the language files in Swedish.
I had a quick look and I found something suspicious and I have fixed it already.

I'll keep an eye on this and I'll make sure it's fixed on the next release, which is going to be definitely sooner than what I said earlier.

So then Swedish will work for sure.

Kind Regards
peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, there is no problems with the language, but It´s always nicer to work in your own language. Looking forward to the future update😊.

Thanks again for fast help.

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Yes sure, you should use custom CSS to align the menu on the right.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a special ID to use for the menu?

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

Yes you can use custom ID to allow smooth automatic scrolling feature on custom created blocks by yourself. You can add smooth automatic scrolling to anything really.

Please have a look at the menu documentation here:
NB: There are different pages there, you'll find "Smooth Scrolling" page on the documentation menu there

And also to the Theme documentation here:
NB: Again you'll find "Smooth Scrolling" page and "Create Custom Block".

Hope that helps

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again.
Yes, I created a custom block with smooth scrolling, and it worked fine. But still, how do I align the menu to the right? I´m not really sure what to put in the custom CSS field.

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Peter

You can always inspect what me or other customers have done with the theme on my professional website:

However I know this is not an easy task, very much so if you aren't a web developer with experience yourself.

Try this one though, the file I put on attachment: extra.css
2. please backup your existing:

3. replace the file below with the one on attachment.

4. clear the CMS concrete5 cache and clear the browser cache.

That's Done.

I am not sure 100% it is going to work, but that's definitely a very good step then if it does not work you only need a little further step and then eventually it will work.

Let me know how it goes.

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hello again Peter

Please use the extra.css attached on this message.
The previous one had an entry missing, so it would not work.

So you use this one instead OK?
Let me know how it goes

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again.
Thanks for helping.
I´ll try this and let you know.

peel1962 replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
Good morning Matteo.
The new css worked just fine.
But I noticed another align issue. When I´m, in the "about me" block, trying to put an image in the text editor and want to align the image to the right, the text becomes centered although I chose the text to be aligned left. See attached images.
What can be the problem here?

I also noticed that the image is present 4 times in the code. It looked kind of messy, but maybe it´s supposed to be that way?

italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

OK I am glad you managed to align the menu on the right.
It looks very good like that.

Regarding aligning the text and images on About Me block.
That's because you chose a template for the block called: mobile_view_hide_image

There are other templates you can chose from that specific block, these are:
1. hide_image
2. image_clean_left
3. image_clean_right
4. mobile_view_hide_image
5. mobile_view_image_clean

Try a few of them to see the one suits you the most:
Find documentation on how to change template for blocks here:

I suggest you to chose the template: "image_clean_right"

Hope that helps

Kind Regards
italinux replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Peter

The Block About Me has only one image there by default.
Althout you can choose to add more

Kind Regards

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.5.2
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Database Version - 20190925072210

# Database Information
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Theme Lazy4resume (a.k.a. Résumé) (1.3.2)

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