Portfolio heading font size decrease

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Hello and thank you for your well commented code on the backend!
Simple question for you.
I have looked but obviously I am missing this.
Where can I modify the code to align the portfolio items to sit nicely?
As you will see here:http://aquienta.com/newweb/gallery/...

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Status: Resolved
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pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your kind comment about Salix theme. To change the font size on the portfolio headings, you could use custom CSS such as this:

h3.salix-portfolio-heading {
font-size: 16px;

You can add this by going to Dashboard > Full Dashboard > Themes > You should then see the Salix theme listed with your other themes. Click on the button that says “Customize”. To add any CSS, click on “Add your CSS”, add your CSS in the box and click “OK”. Don’t forget to click “Save” when you have made changes.

It appears as though something is broken in the head of your website, which is possibly causing the problem with the gallery page (and other pages). I'm not sure what exactly is causing the problem, but if you look at it in Firebug, you will see that there is some content in the <head> that is the likely culprit. You might want to try removing some of your add ons and see by elimination what is causing it.

If you check with an HTML validator, you will where the page breaks:


Error: Stray end tag head.

From line 51, column 1; to line 51, column 7


Error: Start tag body seen but an element of the same type was already open.

From line 52, column 1; to line 52, column 6


This problem is seen on your other pages as well.



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