logo area needs to be adjusted

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Just got this theme cos its easy to change? how can I change the height of the logo area? it needs to move the rest of the pages down some instead of bleeding into the next section, here it shows the default background colour but its the same when an image is there.

Ive had a look at the other page templates, they do much the same thing with the closest being home-v2-animated which leaves a line across the area...

ive included 2 images that show this.. if i could set the distance it would be great... using the free "spacer block" does not do quite the thing needed in this instance...

any help would be great

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pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes, you can adjust the height of your top menu, but you will need to do it with CSS. While logged into your site, click on the cog icon (top left of the dashboard) > Design > Customise. Then scroll down to the bottom on the left panel until you see “Custom CSS”. Click on the cog icon next to Custom CSS, add your own CSS and click save.

To increase the height of your top menu, you might use something like this in the CSS (adjust heights accordingly to fit your logo):

div.ccm-page .navbar {
    min-height: 80px;
div.ccm-page .navbar-toggle {
  margin-top: 20px;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
div.ccm-page .navbar-nav > li > a {
    padding-bottom: 30px;
    padding-top: 30px;

This theme uses Bootstrap framework, so many of your customisation questions may be available on the internet. If you try searching Bootstrap adjust top menu height, for example, you may find more information. I believe this adjustment should do the trick for you, but let us know if you need further help.



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