Version History

Please back up your website files and database before updating your theme.

Version 1.0.6

Updated google font links (changed to https and added swap). Files changed located here seren\themes\seren\css\build\fonts.

Updated animate.css, wow.js, imagesloaded.pkgd.js, backstretch.js, masonry.pkgd.js.

Minor changes to content.xml (sample content) - will not affect your website if you have already installed sample content.

Added Seren Two Column and Seren Three Column layout presets (file changed is page-theme.php).


Version 1.0.5

Minor change to sample content (content.xml file) to make it more concrete5 v8 friendly. No need to update from previous version if you've already installed sample content. 


Version 1.0.4

*IMPORTANT - Updated Bootstrap 3.3.6 to 3.3.7. The Bootstrap update won't affect the theme styles but please read Bootstrap guidance if any concerns:

Changed Seren button block form.php.

Deleted google map from sample content as now needs API key.

Updated html5shiv.js to 3.7.3

Updated masonry.js to 4.1.1

Updated wow.js to 1.1.2

Updated FontAwesome to v 4.7


Version 1.0.3

Minor change to body.less to fix footer shift in Chrome in edit mode.

Version 1.0.2

minor changes to sample content - some changes in preparation for v8, removed page list from search page as tags can now link to filtered page list

minor change to page_theme.php - default autonav template Seren

miscellaneous.less - added max width to img

fixed typo in documentation


Version 1.0.1

Removed deprecated php, added some more custom classes for images


Version 1.0.0

Added sample content (please upgrade to concrete5 v if you are using an older version before installing Seren sample content).

Changed documentation to add in sample content information.

Modified portfolio_item.php (added echo t to "Back").

Modified blog_entry.php (added sitewide sidebar Blog Post Sidebar, added echo t to "Back" and "on").

Reorganised main.less to minimise css output.


Version 0.9.9

Added page templates (full v2, home v2, left sidebar v2, right sidebar v2) suitable for adding a slider instead of a banner image.


Version 0.9.8

masonry.js updated to v 4.0.0

imagesloaded.js updated to v4.1.0

Bootstrap updated to v3.3.6  The update won't affect the theme styles but please read Bootstrap guidance if any concerns:

Font Awesome updated to v 4.5.0

minor modification to header.php

accordion block view.php minor adjustment


Version 0.9.7

Added a new colour preset, called White Blue, for lighter themes.

Moved bootstrap javascript from footer to head to avoid interference with concrete5 welcome screen.


Version 0.9.6

Please note this theme version is for use with concrete5 version 5.7.4 or greater.

If using concrete5 version 5.7.3, use Seren version 0.9.4.

Changes made in this version:

Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.5.
The new version of Bootstrap does not affect this theme's styles, but please see here for guidance on Bootstrap changes if you have any concerns:

Updated Font Awesome to version 4.4.0.

Page templates - enabled grids in more areas, so that you can now use Bootstrap layouts in those areas.

Minor change to styles in miscellaneous.less to adjust border on form fields.


Version 0.9.5

Please note this theme version is for use with concrete5 version 5.7.4 or greater.

If using concrete5 version 5.7.3, use Seren version 0.9.4.

Changes made in this version:
added html5shiv.js and respond.js in header.php
blog_entry.php minor change to HTML
changed blog page list templates to also show post excerpt when no thumbnail image is selected


Version 0.9.4

Theme has been approved and is live on the marketplace.