include videos

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Very interested in purchase of your Seren theme for use with my Introduction Agency

Would your Seren theme support including/replacing images with a repeating videos on the homepages or any other of the avail theme pages

what might be required resolution to maintain proportion and continued scrolling feature.

would like to make my buy decision this week.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Mike,

I'm sorry but Seren theme doesn't support full width video in the banner area. There may be some themes on the marketplace that have built in video functionality in the banner area.

With Seren, most of the pages are designed to have a banner image, although we do have some pages with areas where you can put a full width slider. On our demo site if you look under page types, you will see some pages say "V2" and these are the pages for a full width slider. If you purchased a video background add on or slider with video functionality, then you could use it in this area. I am not sure which ones would work well with Seren, and you may need to do some tweaks.

Thanks, Jennifer
blackadder replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jennifer

Thanks for your reply.

I am reviewing some of my add on options for what u r suggesting. I really like your theme as it has the flexibility and pages depth that many other themes lack the pages depth and other flexible aspects.

I need a V8+ for my site devel. so I think Seren will work for me. I just need to get more add on details to make my movem nore towards end of the month.

Thx again

Mike Robinson
pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Mike,

Sure, no problem. Good luck with your project :)


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