Add Google Quicksand font

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I have seen other tickets about extra fonts. Can you update the theme to include 'Quicksand' ?

I'm happy to do this myself if you can give a pointer in the right direction. I have already edited these two files:


and even inserted a new row in "btFaqEnteries"
then cleared cache (multiple times)
but the extra font is not shown on the picker.

I'd be very grateful for some help


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Paul,

No problem. I'll update the theme with the font included. I'll let you know when it's ready.

Kind regards,
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Paul,

You can now update your theme to 1.3.8. This update comes with the Quicksand font. Also note that you need to clear your cache and fully reload your browser to see the font in the customization panel.

cytringan replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi James,

Thanks for the quick patch. I just attempted to update the sidebar theme, but I'm still stuck on version 1.3.7

Site is connected to community - YES
concrete5 Version = Core Version - 8.2.1

Is there some trick to to force the update?

c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Paul,

Ahh sorry about that. There is this glitch that happens when I push a theme update. C5 doesn't automatically point to the newest version. I just manually changed it. You should be able to see the update now.

cytringan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James,

I have installed the theme on a (7.5.4) demo instance and the Quicksand font displays. However, when I update the theme on the live site (8.2.1) the Quicksand option is never in the selection list.

I have tried multiple things but none seem to help;

1) /dashboard/system/optimization/cache
disable all types of caching
clear cache
shift+f5 the site
tried in alternative browser

2) moved /packages/c5box_sidebar to safe location
unassigned package license
download zip of 1.3.8
unzip to /packages/c5box_sidebar
cleared cached
tried in alternative browser

3) check there are no override files

4) removed all theme customization (Custom CSS)

I'm going to try a new instance of 8.2.1 on the same server, but in the meantime do you have any ideas what i could try to see where the error is coming from ?

cytringan replied on at Permalink Reply

I just setup a fresh instance of c5-8.2.1 and manually installed c5box_sidebar v1.3.6
Then activate the theme, then manually updated the theme to v1.3.7 and then v1.3.8

*** The quicksand font is not shown on the list ***

I clear caches (turn all caching off and clear), full reload of page in various browsers... still no quicksand font.

I then activate the switch back to elemental theme, then switch back to sidebar, but still no quicksand font

I then switch back to elemental theme, uninstall/remove sidebar package, then.... install c5box_sidebar v1.3.8 and activate the theme and BOOM i can now choose the quicksand font.

So in summary, please test out the upgrade path yourself as something isn't working correctly. I hope this helps someone else.

c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
hi paul

so sorry for not replying timely. im glad you were able to make it work. i need to check my c5 profile settings on why its not serving the update. i apologise for the delay and inconvenience.

kind regards,

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