Autonav for external links

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I like the look of the autonav block - trying to figure out how to use the same format for a 'quick links' box made up of a combination of links to local pages, external pages and documents.

Thanks for any help.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you want those links in the main navigation? If so just create external links for them.
Or do you want to place it somewhere else on a page? If so you can't really do that. You might want to check out this addon:
kateatkins replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I guess I have 2 issues, but the main problem I have is - when I create an AutoNav block on a sub-page, it looks great. But if I try the AutoNav on the Home page, it looks different, like a bulleted list. I've attached a screenshot of the autonav on a subpage that I like. Does the home page have a property that makes the autonav look different?

As for my external links, I guess I can do a content block and put them in that way. I can try find the style of the subpage autonav and maybe copy that.

Sorry, I'm sure it's annoying to deal with people who are, for the most part, completely clueless...
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, that's because the CSS styling only applies to the autonav when it's in the sidebar (#sidebar ul.nav), so when you place it outside of a sidebar area it won't have that styling.

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