Social links

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hi there

i want to make the social links smaller, how can i achieve this without coding?

there to big especially on header top


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
Also where do you chnage the colour on the little lines under the footer headings? its navy blue and i want these white, also the lines between the menu are also navy and i cant find where to chnage these?
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry for all questions, i also want rid of the fuzzy background image on the image slider. where can i delete this please?

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

To achieve the social links and footer border edits, there will need to be some coding involved but I will supply you the code to add in settings > design > customization > custom css. The code will only target the header social links.
#wrapper header .stride-social-links-wrapper .stride-social-links li a {
    font-size: 15px;
    height: 30px;
    margin-top: 5px;
    width: 30px;
#wrapper #prefoot .border-thin::after {
    border-color: #fff;

About the fuzzy background, try checking the page attributes. There should be 3 images pre defined there. Choose the image you want to remove and save.

I hope everything made sense. Please let me know how I can help you more.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
great thanks, social icons are perfect now, 3 tiny things and thats all!

1. what do i need to add to the button code so it links to another page, ic ant select the button.

2. how do i change the hover black colour on the side menu, want it lighter green not black

3. where do you chnage the colour of the small line under the footer h2s, its like a navy blue, cant find anywhere on the colour option

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm going to release a new version of this theme with the missing customization options. I will let you know once it's live.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply

What do i need to do to update the template?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 7 Jun 2016, at 09:55, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't need to do anything. If the update is live, an update button should appear beside the theme name on the add functionality page.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

We have upload version 1.0.7. Kindly update your theme to be able to customize the requested elements. As for the buttons, you can add those using the content block (custom styles) and apply link to it.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi there, ive assigned the theme to a project etc, still cant see where to update the theme, can i send you my logins privately so you can update fpor me please, need to sort the footer blue lines and the footer text colour to white.

please send me email to send logins to, cheers Dave
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Please private message me your url and login credentials. I'll take a look at it. Thanks
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
ho do i pm you, cant see this on not send ing publicly, whats your email please?

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
think ive private messaged you, can you let me know you got the login?


datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry didn't receive the login credentials. Can you message them to me again. Click my profile and click send message.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

After checking my inbox. I found the login details.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

I have updated your site's theme. The elements your need to change are now customizatble. Kindly check. Thanks
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry 1 last thing as cant find, how do i chnage the news text footer to white and the lines in footer menu for site map to white also?

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

If the credentials are the same I can do it for you
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I changed it. Can you check?

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
this is awesome thanks!

the very last thing i promise, very easy but im finding it hard.

I only want 1 banner image and not a slider, each time i add an image its not 100% width and only applys to centre of the screen.

is there a stride banner with button and title as dont want a slider, hope you can help out.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
i also really want to add the donate green strip to every page, but cant seem to add the full width block to the other pages.

can this be done?

sorry for all the questions
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
As for the green stripe with donate button. You'd have to add it manually per page or if you are comfortable with coding some areas to the page template files, you can do that too.

To apply the green stripe, you can click the main area and add a layout. use the non-bootstrap layout so it would extend the whole with of the screen. Apply background color to it via properties.

Hope this made sense.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

No worries. The way I would do it is apply a banner image to the page (banner attribute) and add content using content block. This way, you can add buttons, image, and text to the content block. No need to use a slider block.

Let me know if you need further assistance with this.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi very sorry

i tried to add green banner with the donate image in centre then it dissapears when i save? and also i want thsi juts above the footer, the block doesnt go 100% it has gaps at edges, can you help me create one as pulling my hair out, if you can do 1 page ill do the others.

again sorry
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi youll also see ive added banner image and failed, its not responsive and not full width, also seem to have broke the header, these are the only 2 things i need you to look at as really stressing me out. be ace if you can help me with these 2 things and the settings

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

Check the homepage and the what we do page.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks so much

a HUGE help

can you delete the green strip in the footer as it seems to be in twice, i tried this last njight and it deleted both strips.

not wanting to ruin what you have done for me.

again a HUGE HUGE thanks, take it i can copy that green stip to clip board and apply to the other pages?


From: concrete5 Community <>
Sent: 15 June 2016 09:28
Subject: Social links : Support
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

I think you copied an area with the same name that's why anything you do to that area is reflected on the bottom. You can remove the full width area code on the bottom. Also, make sure to do that on all page templates.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
tried to delete the bottom green strip, i can delete the image but cant delete the green strip, can see any option to delete this, so sorry for yout trouble
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
also cant add this to otgher pages, im trying like crazy to add a full width section and i juts cant do it, can you tell me how to add the full width column so i dont have to keep annoying you
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
the menu on homepage is now also in middle which is great but other pages its up top

i remember the old c5 and it was alot easier to manage than this, been a real nightmare

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to remove it in the php file since you added it in via code. You copied the same area name from the footer to the content area. Look for the page template php file and remove the footer one. Do this for all templates you want a green stripe on.
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply


do you mean access ftp and do it that way, i had issues with the template files always being added to cache folder. or can this be done via the control panel on concrete 5?

Like the old version of concrete 5 cant i just add this to a main right side bar template and then apply it to all pages instead of doing on every page.

could you give me some instructions to do this as want to learn how to sort this green stripe out on all pages.

thanks again


From: concrete5 Community <>
Sent: 16 June 2016 09:08
Subject: Social links : Support
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
you can close case, worked it all out, thanks

can you send me a link so i can send you an amazing review for all your hard work and help

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
the last thing is how come the main menu on home is perfect postion but rest of pages its higher, how can i make all the same?
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I went into your site and fixed that for you. You applied a padding to the area and only applied it to the homepage.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi sorry ive added instagram link to my social icosn but its doesnt work, could you check for me

when instagram icon clicked shows this

also want these to open in new window, is this possible?
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
just noticed the homepage and latest news, 3 box click throughs are also not in 1 column on mobile, can you provide me with the code to fix this please and ill be ready to get this live.

thanks again

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