Template Question

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Hi there,

Can you help me with this template? The bottom areas in the template RE: EMTPY LOCAL FOOTER C1 Area C2 AREA C3 and C4 areas do not let me change colors. Can you let me know where this is.. As some of the text always goes back to the same werid blue color you chose for the template and I don't see where i can edit this.

Also, for some reason I cannot Change the background color in the Image slider. I don't see it anywhere.

Lastly when you shrink up the Slider that is preformed it won't show up on Tablet or Iphone. Why is this? It also shows "SLIDE" as the text there at the bottom of it if you put no text in it.

Here is the site for you to view. http://madplanet.tv/dwelker/index.php...

Thanks so much for your help.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Glenn,

We are currently checking it. We'll update you when we find anything.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Glenn,

We uploaded version 1.0.4 which has customizable colors for the banner and the footer. We also made the slider visible on mobile and tablet devices. Kindly update your theme and clear your cache. Changes should reflect afterwards. Sorry for the inconvenience.

jupiterG replied on at Permalink Reply
Bummer is I don’t know where to update this? There is no update template anywhere to be found. Can you direct me?

Thank you so much.


Creative Director

madplanet.tv <http://www.madplanet.tv/>
Marketing • Advertising • Design

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> On Jan 28, 2016, at 4:18 AM, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Glenn,

Is the site you are currently on holding the license to the theme? If so, you should see the update button beside the theme when you go to dashboard -> extend concrete5. Oh, and you have to link your site with the marketplace.

I hope this fixes your update issue.


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