Theme main controller

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As I was checking your theme main controller, I noticed a numebr of things that I don't know if they can be considered as potential problems, or you did that intentionally. I would appreciate if you clarify on these:

1. The 'swapContent' method has been declared like this:
public function swapContent($options)

I guess it should have declared like this, as in '\concrete5-8.5.1\concrete\src\Package\ContentSwapper.php'
public function swapContent(Package $package, $options)

2. In the 'swapContent' method, in line 91, where you have specified xml file, you haven't check if current version is 8+ or not, and it alwayd import 'content_7.xml' and not 'content.xml'.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: New
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