Supermint Slider vs Simple Slider

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I see from the help forums that the simple slider doesn't automatically start. Annoying but you said there would be coming soon.

In the meanwhile I can use the Supermint Slider, however, I cannot get the padding space above it to go away. The simple slider tucks up nicely under the navigation but the supermint slider drops down about 50 pixels and leaves an awkward space—even with the arrows turned off.

It says in the documentation that I would be emailed a link to an admin demo site to work with to see how things work. I have not yet received it even after sending you an email about it a week ago.

I see there are a lot of open tickets in here. Is this typical of response time? Supposed to have 30-days of support but when you're waiting for questions to get answered...

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the late, i was out.

First of all, where did you read about the access to the demo site ? It was possible with Supermint 2 but not for Supermint3. Let me know if they are unintentional information about that.

Would you avoid the margin under the slider ?
brandscapes replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for getting back. I cannot find the demo site access page now, perhaps I stumbled across it in the forums when I was looking for 5.7 help.

In any case, I did discover that the root of the problem was the install. The first install was bad and I didn't have access to edit many pages, the margin I couldn't edit before it now a block and that problem is solved.

Creating the site is going to take a lot longer than I anticipated because I didn't want to use the quick start template and am trying to figure out what all the block customization codes mean.

You have put a lot of time and love into this, there's just a longer learning curve than I expected since I just updated to 5.7 and have 4 other personal websites to configure.

My old website is using Silence theme. I put supermint on and once I get it where I want it plan on doing a back up, release the license from there and apply it to and restore. Will that work?

Thanks for feedback on how to do this.

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Created on Apr 30 2016 at 4:48 pm